Promotion-Sound-Project for a 24h-Berlin documentary for TV
24h Berlin is television's longest real-life programme ever. A 24-hour documentary, told in real-time, airing September 5th at 6AM on rbb-Fernsehen, ARTE, VPRO (Holland) and on YLE Teema (Finnland).
The journey begins On September 5th, 2008, a story both intimate and exotic began in Berlin, a story told from the perspective of the people. Exactly a year before the broadcast, 80 camera teams immersed themselves in the lives of Berliners, for 24 hours.
Exsample did 24 little sound-pieces made of original sounds from the movie. The work is for the promotion-webpage of the project. The countdown starts at August 12th...Everyday a little piece of exsample-music...Be invited to listen...
We also had to take 24 photographic samples for the project. A few of them are shown here.