An Exhibition-series about allday-life-phenomena in cooperation with the artist and product-designer Bea Seggering.
The Title was taken from the correspondent book of the french structuralist Roland Barthes. This topics collection, published first in 1964 is a compendium of ‚Le Figaro‘-articles: the nowadays myths are not motivated by religious reasons, but idolisation of everyday-lifes‘ phenomena. This is what the shows are about. In each show there are local guest-artists showing their work in this sense...
> Bienniale of Contemporary Art Geneva (MAC)
> 18m-Gallery Berlin - The myths-title
- Myths at the Bienal for Contemporary Art in Geneva
- Myths at the Bienal for Contemporary Art in Geneva
- Myths at the Bienal for Contemporary Art in Geneva
- Myths at the Bienal for Contemporary Art in Geneva
- Myths at the Bienal for Contemporary Art in Geneva
- Myths at the Bienal for Contemporary Art in Geneva
- Myths at the Bienal for Contemporary Art in Geneva
- Myths at the Bienal for Contemporary Art in Geneva
- Myths installed at the 18m-Gallery in Berlin
- Myths installed at the 18m-Gallery in Berlin
- Myths installed at the 18m-Gallery in Berlin
- Myths installed at the 18m-Gallery in Berlin
- Myths installed at the 18m-Gallery in Berlin