Artsupermarket, Symposium, Workshop
Topshop expressed the connection between cheap and high quality, mass-produced and unique, affection of the opposite, inflation through copy. It was located in a former discount-market in the Friedrichstraße 112b in Berlin. There were be (supermarket-) shelves, copymachines, grabbing tables, and a special offer corner. Each original and each new made product has been sold at the counter. Orignal work has been be sold at the artist's price, and samples for bargain prices. Within the discount area the artist decided what he or she wanted to define as material for reproduction.
Beside here was a Symposium with the topic "Mass product vs. unique object - originality through reproduction?"
Alexander Koch (Gallerist, HGB Leipzig), Prof. Dieter Daniels (HGB Leipzig), Dr. Jeannette Stoschek (Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig), Beate Rütz (market researcher, Berlin)
> Topshop old webpage -